Yea this project is mothballed, but thought I would move the code over to github just in case.
Your Bash History On The Web
sudo apt-get updateFinally, you must append this file to your ~/.bashrc to enable the client. Be sure to replace the default tags with your own meaningful tags and most importantly set the default id to whatever you see here.
sudo apt-get install shellsink
cat /proc/cpuinfo #sysadmin:diagnosticThat command will show up in your shellsink history with the tags sysadmin and diagnostic. This nifty idea was given to me by Jesse Hallett at my shellsink presentation at the open source bridge conference in portland this summer. Thanks Jesse.
HISTCONTROL=ignorespace;Now any command you precede with a space will NOT be captured by the history, and thus will not be sent to the ShellSink server. Another technique is to add the following to your .bashrc:
HISTIGNORE="netstat*:sqlplus*"In this example any command that starts with netstat or sqlplus will automatically be ignored by the shell history and ShellSink. Both these techniques give you different granularity control over what gets sent to ShellSink. The first technique works on a per command basis and the second covers all commands.
shellsink-client -dThis completely disables ShellSink for all terminals. I don't really have much use for this one, but when you start to do something that you are ultra paranoid about, this is one way to be sure nothing is leaving your computer via ShellSink. To re-enable ShellSink simply do this:
shellsink-client -e